Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)
Shared interest groups (SIGs) are spontaneously created groups of members who meet in person to photograph an area of interest such as gardens, wildlife, architecture, or abandoned buildings. They are informal meetups that have a socialization component such as lunch or coffee. Some outings are followed up on Zoom to share images.
SIG opportunities are posted by any member whenever they want via our Chat Group (see Activities/Club Communications). The member posting the announcement has three options:
1) To simply share an opportunity (e.g., “Flowers/Gardens SIG*: The hibiscus and other summer flowers are in full bloom at Brookside Gardens.”
2) To tell others they are going and to meet them there (e.g., “Street Photography SIG*: I’ll be photographing the Adams Morgan Street Festival in DC on September 10 at 9:30 am. If you want to join me, let me know so I can meet you there.”)
3) To let people know that they are willing to coordinate an outing that requires tickets or is more complex than just meeting there (e.g., “Abandoned Buildings SIG*: I’d like to photograph the Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania in October and I’m willing to coordinate a trip. Let me know if you’re interested.”
* Note: You can include the SIG tag in the message subject or not; it’s up to you.
They differ from education small groups, some of which are peer-to-peer and meet in person.
Images from the Shared Interest Groups can be seen on our Galleries page.