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Easily call or email fellow members using contact information from the printed membership booklet or from the member directory (login required) on this site. There are two global methods for communicating among club members via the Internet: GordieGrams and the Chat Group.  We also have a club Facebook page.


Club-wide emails are affectionately nicknamed GordieGrams after Gordie Corbin, whose idea and service this was for many years. You may request a GordieGram be sent anytime you need to reach the entire club membership for such messages as official announcements and reminders of club activities, notice of a member who is hospitalized, invitation to the opening of a NBCC member photo exhibit, or any urgent message.  Most of the GordieGrams are sent on behalf of the committee chairs.

We have up to two GordieGrams a month, entitled Member Exchange, whose purpose is for members to share photographic news (e.g., personal exhibit/award/accomplishment), advertise the sale or gifting of photographic equipment, etc.

To send a GordieGram, compose your message either in an email or document and provide your contact information (email address or phone) prominently at the end. Send the message to

To prevent flooding members with extraneous messages, the board of directors requested that the GordieGram administrators use their judgment as to whether the submitted message is appropriate for broadcast to the entire club. If deemed appropriate, it will then be forwarded to members (and wait listers if applicable).

To respond to a GordieGram, use the contact information provided by the originator within the email. Please, do not reply to the GordieGram itself.

Chat Group

Our Chat Group s an ideal forum to participate in discussions on any photography-related topic, whether it be technical, informational (e.g., an museum exhibit or article) or social (informal photography outings initiated by one of the members for one the Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) identified of interest by the membership.  It is the most efficient way to communicate interactively.


As soon as someone becomes a member he or she is sent an invitation to join the chat group.  The chat group administrator creates an account for you, but you need to activate it by logging in with a password.  Only one email a day which contains a link to the topics posted in the previous will show up in your inbox.  Just like a regular email system you can reply to the whole group or just to the person who posted the message.  The messages are retained indefinitely but are accessible only to current NBCC members.


Members are encouraged to activate their accounts if they haven’t done so. This group is private (to lock out spammers) and limited to current NBCC members.


To activate your account (or change your password), go to .

If you need some assistance getting started with the Chat Group, please check out the “help pages”. 

Facebook Group

NBCC members who have a Facebook account are welcome to join the club’s member-only Facebook Group. It is mostly  used for sharing images, and not as interactive as the Chat Group.  The only non-member allowed to post is the head of Maryland Photography Alliance to ensure we are kept up to date on any and all events sponsored by that organization.


As a member of the NBCC group you can share your postings with all other members of the group without having to individually “friend” other members or see their non-photography posts. The Facebook group is private, i.e., limited to NBCC members, and cannot be viewed by the general public.


To join, search on North Bethesda Camera Club the Facebook, and it will take you to the group’s page. Select the “Join” button to be added to the group. The administrator will first verify your current NBCC membership.


Please note that if the name you use on Facebook is different than the name listed in our membership book, we may not recognize you. In that case, to avoid being mistakenly declined, please contact the administrator (via Facebook message, or via email as listed in your membership booklet) in advance to tell her what name you go by, and we’ll be sure to add you to the group.

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